Job Scam Alert: Omnicom Group Advertising Media

Job Scam Alert: Omnicom Group Advertising Media

This one arrived through WhatsApp on Sunday, October 15th, 2023. I am not a frequent user of WhatsApp. Coupled with the grammar, I can’t imagine this came from within the United States.

Keep your eyes out for more sophisticated attempts.

Here is the transcript:

[10/15, 11:37 AM] +1 (945) 810-2157: How are you doing right now?
I’m Martha Clarkson from Omnicom Group Advertising Media
We are looking for part-time/full-time employees and freelancers in the United States
Can I share more information with you?
[10/15, 3:23 PM] +1 (945) 810-2157: Our jobs have different benefits and requirements:
This job is available part-time and full-time, helping to optimize data and ratings for major hotels around the world
Flexible working hours
Training will be provided
Age 22-69 years old
Can be done without affecting current work
No training restrictions, no agency fees (no training fees)
[10/15, 3:23 PM] +1 (945) 810-2157: You can work from anywhere and someone will train you in the early stages
Work approximately 60-90 minutes a day,
Flexible working hours and location (can be arranged freely)
Earn $300-$500 per day upon completion
Base salary is $800, 5 days per week
If you are interested, our team will provide specific details.


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