Job Scam Alert: Smart Realty

Job Scam Alert: Smart Realty

Here’s another incarnation of the online job scam. The language used makes these easy to spot if you’ve seen them before, but if you haven’t seen them before and you’re looking for a job of any sort, beware.

Watch out for the Gmail addresses (not YOUR Gmail address – THEIRS). They’re a dead giveaway.


onboarding process <>

Dear Applicant  

Thank you again for your interest in employment at Smart Realty, LLC, We are recruiting via online potential employees who would eventually have an office space at home. Interview time is Friday 10:00 am 6/4/2021.

We have carefully considered your application during the initial screening and will now proceed to administer Screening test/Interview for you.
In order for us to move ahead with the selection process, please reply this email to confirm your details as follows:

Name :
Phone Number 

I will email you the Screening Test/Interview Questions as soon I receive your email with the above details.

Thank you

Uttam Kumar

Smart Realty, LLC.


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